October our backyard

October our backyard


Red Frog Beach

Friday, March 14, 2008


We made it to Cuba on the ninth of march with my father in tow . I was really glad he was with me. About half way in the middle of the Gulf Stream the engine decided to go for a crap. Actually It was just the water pump belt and there wasn't any wind at the time so the frieghters that were bearing down on us had to go around us. Other than the lightning storm we were in it was very uneventful trip. It took us about twenty two hours to cross over be cause of the lack of wind. And then when we arrived in Marina Hemmingway my father had a wonderful experience with the waiting out the long process of clearing into the country. The doctor comes on board and then immigration ,after that the guarda frontara, the drug dogs {springer spanials that can't get past the ham sandwich} then after a small gift to almost everyone of them we get to go to our slip. The next day Gilbert arrived by plane and life as I knew it is not the same. Dad spent one week with us and then we took him to the airport to go home to the snow he missed so much. Ha Ha Ha better him than me. by the way I'm doing this on the computer at the Canadian Embassy . They have a bbq every second friday. Food was okay but Gil's still waiting for the strippers. The weather has been great. We have been getting the boat ready. Our plans have changed a little we are not going to the caymans. Instead we are heading west to Mexico, then down to Belize. Hopefully we will log in there . Sorry I don't have any pictures, we did't know about the computer here at the Embassy. Gilbert met the Ambassador and asked to change jobs.I promise pictures next time. Bonvoage Kathy and Gil.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey guys im happy you made it cuba i got my report card back and got alot of 70'S ^.^ i hope you guys had a good easter and we all miss you and next friday im going shoppin with mom:) and i went dog sledding with mel-mel and hersey then lily to me and mel acroos the river tubbing:D:D joe moved to flordia:( every1 miss him and mel needs chocolate covered almonds to make the pain go away:P haha well love you guys safe trip to mexico:)

The Journey Begins

My dad and I left the Soo on January 5 2008.

About Me

My photo
Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada
I am Katerina Precepa, newly retired and going sailing with my best friend and soul mate Gilbert Quesnel. Who happens to be the captian of the fine sailing vessel Endorfin. Gilbert has been a water well driller for thirty five years. I worked in a steelmill for thirty years. The both of us will be leaving a lot of family members behind. Gilbert, a son and two daughters five grand children, his brother and sister and his wonderful mom. I am saying goodbye to seven brothers and two sisters,my son and his wife, my daughter plus six of my own grandchildren. Before I forget all of the many neices and nephews.

what Gil's leaving behind

what Gil's leaving behind
the pension

The crapper

The crapper
When you got to go


a really thirsty one



fishing off coast of Cuba

fishing off coast of Cuba

Gil's tuna

Gil's tuna
Only 28 pounds

thirty pounds tuna

thirty pounds tuna
how to fillet on a rolling sailboat

crossing to mexico

crossing to mexico